Green sourcing by textile manufacturers is buying sustainable products and services. It is an integration of environmental, ethical and social factors throughout the sourcing process. The best part is that green alternatives are truly cost-effective.
Sustainability is a high priority of the textile and fashion industry, and sustainable sourcing is a vital part of it.
Global textile manufacturers are moving to sustainability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve water used in production, avoid plastics, and switch to renewable energy sources. As per a report, 8,650 business decision-makers in 34 global markets have revealed that for many businesses, becoming sustainable is favourable for their bottom line.
Attaining Sustainability
Mission sustainability can take textile manufacturers in various directions. The top performers always recognize the integral connection between sustainability and the supply chain. And trust me, there’s no better supply chain landscape than the application of sustainable sourcing and procurement.
Major textile trading countries have already included sustainable sourcing in their strategies. It can help control costs and boost production capacity. Moreover, sustainability in the supply chain can help them attain the goals listed below.
Social Responsibility
Economic or Financial stability
Environmental Protection
Energy conservation
Creating a sustainable future
Time to start making sustainability efforts
If you’ve not started with sustainable sourcing yet, NOW is your time! Everyone around you, competitors, customers, suppliers, government and even non-government organizations are taking sustainability seriously. So, if you won’t start now, be prepared to lose on your market. Initiate green sourcing strategies to add value to your business and the planet.
Power of sustainable sourcing
Textile manufacturers are being competitive when it comes to sustainable sourcing and procurement. The superpowers of sustainable sourcing are: Social (People), Economic (Profit) and Environment (Planet). With the growing number of suppliers, the sustainable sourcing landscape is becoming more competitive. Many successful manufacturers have announced their sustainability efforts, and they call it their success secret.
Key to Sustainable Sourcing by Textile Manufacturers
Textile manufacturers are adding more power to their business with sustainable sourcing. If you haven’t started sustainable sourcing yet, follow these steps to take a step towards green sourcing.
Identify your sustainability needs
Develop a new strategy, including green sourcing
Introduce new sustainability policies to your sourcing units
Compare the prices of sustainable and non-sustainable products and services
Motivate your market intelligence team to find sustainable and green alternatives
Keep evolving your sourcing strategy depending on your business needs and demands
These tips will surely help you create a strategic sourcing model that includes social responsibility as a leading part of it.
In the end, it is fair to say that the sourcing strategy is best for textile manufacturers to align it throughout their supply chain. Understand the significance the sooner you can, and you will see tremendous growth in your business.
Looking for Recycled & Premium Quality Yarns for your sustainable fashion project? Reach out to Oasis Textiles. You can also follow us on Facebook.
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